This Year's Langley Club Social Events
This Year's Langley Club Social Events
Welcome to a new season at The Langley Club!
The Social Committee has planned quite a few events for this season.  As we are a member managed club, we rely on ourselves, the members, to make our events enjoyable to all.  If you have attended Langley Club events in the past, you will have seen member volunteers checking you in, cooking food and keeping wine glasses full.
Below is the schedule of social events planned for this year.  As you can see, in addition to tennis and swim events, there is a lot of energy in the calendar.  To make these events run smoothly, we invite you to volunteer to help with any of the activities on our calendar.  There are multiple benefits to volunteering: new and enhanced relationships with other members, free access to the event, and true ownership of the vitality of The Langley Club.  While each event differs, we primarily need help checking in attendees, keeping cups, plates, napkins available, etc.
Our events this year are:
  • Saturday, May 28: Memorial Day and Opening Day Celebration
  • Friday, June 3: Friday Night Music and Drinks at Langley
  • Friday, June 10: Friday Night Music and Drinks at Langley
  • Saturday, June 18: Juneteenth BBQ
  • Saturday, July 2: Independence Day Celebration
  • Friday, July 8: Dessert night at the Langley Club
  • Thursday, July 14: Bastille Day Wine Tasting
  • Friday, July 22: Friday Night at Langley and Pickle Ball or Tennis Clinic
  • Friday, July 28: Adult Dinner at the Langley Club
  • Saturday, August 20: Family Movie Night at Langley and Pickle Ball Clinic
  • Saturday, August 27: Wine Tasting at Langley
  • Sunday, September 4: Labor Day Celebration and President’s Dinner
  • Saturday, October 15: Octoberfest


Please go to and indicate your availability for helping or send an email to providing: 1. Your contact information including your name, address, phone number and email and 2. Which event(s) interest you as a volunteer.  Someone from the Social Committee will reach out to you.  It is not often that we will need your help, but it’s great to know your availability if we do!

Thank you!

– The Langley Club Social Committee

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Sarah Bunn, Realtor®, MBA

Dr. Kim Oral Surgery

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Located at: 728 Live Oak Drive, McLean, VA 22101

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